Academic Vitae
Refereed Journal Articles
- Wilderman, M. & Nasrin, S. (2023). Scholastic Journalists Covering Controversy in the COVID-19 Era: A Textual Analysis. Journalism and Mass Communication Educator.
- Wilderman, M. (Jan. 4, 2022). Applying Scanlan’s ‘Coaching Way’ to Media Design Instruction. College Media Review. Journal of the College Media Association. Online publication:
- Wilderman, M. and Nasrin, S. (2020) The Problem of Subjectivity in High School Reporters’ News Writing. Southwestern Mass Communication Journal. Vol. 35, no. 2. (Awarded a top-paper award at SWECJMC 2019 conference.)
- Wilderman, M., Nasrin, S. and Davis, J. (2018). Budget Cuts in Scholastic Media: A Focus Group Study of Journalism Advisers’ Survival Skills. Journalism and Mass Communication Educator. Summer 2018. p. 1-14. DOI: 10.1177/1077695818787066.
Academic Presentations
Refereed paper presentations
- “Scholastic Journalists Covering Controversy in the COVID-19 Era: A Textual Analysis,” by Melanie Wilderman and Sohana Nasrin. Association for Education in Journalism & Mass Communication 105th Annual Conference. August 2-5, 2022. Detroit, Michigan.
- “The Problem of Subjectivity in High School Reporters’ News Writing,” by Melanie Wilderman and Sohana Nasrin. Southwestern Education Council on Journalism and Mass Communication Annual Conference. October 4-5, 2019. New Orleans, L.A. (top paper award)
- “An Analysis of Community Journalism Professionals’ Insights of College Journalism Students and Curriculum,” by Melanie Wilderman. Southwestern Education Council on Journalism and Mass Communication Annual Conference. October 4-5, 2019. New Orleans, L.A.
- “Exploring Options to Build Trust Between Journalists and Audiences in Collegiate Community Journalism Education,” by Melanie Wilderman. Association for Education in Journalism & Mass Communication 101st Annual Conference. August 6-9, 2018. Washington, D.C.
- One of 28 papers nominated for the AEJMC Research Prize for Professional Relevance, which seeks work that “brings newfound clarity and insight to emerging media industry practices, cultures and business imperatives.”
- “Budget Cuts in Scholastic Media: A Focus Group Study of Oklahoma Journalism Advisers’ Survival Skills.” By Melanie Wilderman, Sohana Nasrin, & Jeremy Davis. Association for Education in Journalism & Mass Communication 100th Annual Conference. August 9 -12, 2017. Chicago, Illinois.
- “The Problem of Budget Cuts in Scholastic Media,” by Melanie Wilderman, Sohana Nasrin, and Jeremy Davis. AEJMC MidWinter Conference 2017. March 3-5, 2017. Gaylord College. Norman, Oklahoma.
- “Service Learning and Community-Oriented Journalism in Collegiate Journalism Education: A Qualitative Case Study,” by Melanie Wilderman and Sohana Nasrin. AEJMC MidWinter Conference 2017. March 3-5, 2017. Gaylord College. Norman, OK.
- “Service Learning & Community Journalism in Collegiate Media Education,” by Melanie Wilderman and Sohana Nasrin. 9th Annual Oklahoma Service Learning Conference. Oct. 25, 2016. Redlands Community College, OK.
- “September 11, 2001: How Yearbook Journalists Covered a National Tragedy,” by Melanie Wilderman and Laura Schaub. AEJMC 86th Annual Convention, July 30-August 2, 2003 Kansas City, MO
Session presentations
- “Next-level Feature Writing” JEA/NSPA Spring National High School Journalism Convention. April 2023. San Francisco.
- “The Coaching Way . . . but with Design.” JEA/NSPA Spring National High School Journalism Convention. April 2023. San Francisco.
- “Reinvigorating Writing Skills Post Lockdown.” AEJMC Scholastic Division Teach-In. August 2, 2022. Detroit, Michigan.
- “The Coaching Way . . . but with Design.” JEA/NSPA Spring National High School Journalism Convention. November 2021. Virtual
- “The Coaching Way . . . but with Design.” AEJMC Scholastic Division Teach-in. July 21, 2021. Virtual Workshop for Scholastic Media Teachers.
- “Profile This!,” by Melanie Wilderman. JEA/NSPA Spring National High School Journalism Convention. Nov. 21-41, 2019. Washington D.C. & Nov. 1-4, 2018. Chicago, Illinois.
- Great Ideas for Teaching (GIFT) finalists’ poster session. “Building Blocks Business Card: Coaching Students in Simple, Effective Design Strategies.” AEJMC 102nd Annual Conference, August 7-10, 2019, Toronto, Ontario.
- “Profile This!,” by Melanie Wilderman. JEA/NSPA Spring National High School Journalism Convention. Nov. 1-4, 2018. Chicago, Illinois.
- “Teaching information ethics in scholastic journalism.” by Sohana Nasrin and Melanie Wilderman. JEA/NSPA Spring National High School Journalism Convention. Nov. 1-4, 2018. Chicago, Illinois.
- “Challenges and Solutions: Scholastic Media Budget Cuts,” by Melanie Wilderman and Sohana Nasrin. JEA/NSPA Spring National High School Journalism Convention. April 6-9, 2017. Seattle, Washington.
- “Community-Oriented Journalism as Service Learning in College of High School Courses,” by Melanie Wilderman. Dare to Dream: 28th Annual National Service Learning Conference. March 24, 2017. Anaheim, California.
- “Transformation through Engaged Scholarship in Scholastic Media: The Problem of Budget Cuts in Focus,” by Melanie Wilderman & Sohana Nasrin. Aspen Conference on Engaged Communication Scholarship. July 31, 2016. Aspen, CO.
- “From the Classroom to the Newsroom: Service Learning in Journalism Classes Takes Students Down Civic Paths,” by Melanie Wilderman, Ted Satterfield & Crystal Herber. Langston University 4th Annual Service Learning Conference. Feb. 25, 2011. Langston, OK.
- “Service Learning & Civic Journalism: A Simple Merger with Immense Potential.” Langston University 2nd Annual Oklahoma Service Learning Conference. Nov. 7, 2008. Oklahoma City, OK
Academic & professional panels
- Panelist & presenter for the panel “Innovative Approaches in JMC Education” with submission “Amplifying voices: A shift in thinking of sources as ‘unheard’ rather than ‘voiceless’ in journalism.” Southwestern Education Council on Journalism and Mass Communication Annual Symposium. November 4-5, 2022. Waco, Texas.
- Panelist, Graduate Student Interest Group Research Panel: “Promoting Social Justice in the Classroom as a GTA.” 46th Annual AEJMC Southeast Colloquium. March 18-20, 2021. Elon University. Virtual.
- Moderator, “Public and Private: A Look at the Latest Insights about Scholastic Journalism.” Association for Education in Journalism & Mass Communication 103rd Annual Conference. Scholastic Journalism Division. August 6-9, 2020. Virtual.
- Panelist, “How Current Research Applies to Scholastic Journalism.” Association for Education in Journalism & Mass Communication 103rd Annual Conference. Scholastic Journalism Division. August 6-9, 2020. Virtual.
- Organizer/moderator/panelist, “Story Matters.” Writing in Film panel. Austin Revolution Film Festival. September 7, 2019. Austin, Texas.
- Panelist, “Teaching Panel Session: Teaching Writing Skills to Students Who Can’t Write.” Association for Education in Journalism & Mass Communication 101st Annual Conference. August 6-9, 2018. Washington, D.C.
- Panel moderator for scholastic journalism group’s refereed paper session, “Intersecting Literacies: News, Journalism, Civics and Data.” Association for Education in Journalism & Mass Communication 101st Annual Conference. August 6-9, 2018. Washington, D.C.
- Panel moderator, “Scholastic Media Challenges, Present and Future.” AEJMC MidWinter Conference 2017. March 3-5, 2017. Gaylord College. Norman, Oklahoma.
- Panelist, “Writers’ Panel.” Austin Revolution Film Festival. September 2017. Austin, Texas.
- Panelist, “Minority Workshops for High School Students,” by Toni DeAzlan-Smith, Paul Mitchell, Marisa White, and Melanie Wilderman, Broadcast Educators Association Annual Conference. April 17, 2016. Las Vegas, NV.
- Roundtable presentation, “Universities and the Knowledge Economy: Linking Local University Administration to Global Conversations,” by Tami Moore, Josh Krawczyk, Zarrina Azizova, Melanie Wilderman, and Boomer Appleman. Association for the Study of Higher Education 35th Annual Conference. Nov. 2010. Indianapolis, IN.
- Roundtable presentation, “Natural Ties: Service Learning & Civic Journalism in Curriculum,” by Melanie Wilderman, Ted Satterfield & Jesse Schroeder. Central States Communication Association Annual Conference 2009. April 1-5, 2009. St. Louis, MO.
Workshops and Institutional Presentations
- Developed one-day professional magazine design with focus on InDesign workshop for Montana Electric Cooperatives Association. October 3, 2023. Great Falls, Montana.
- “Textual Analysis for Media Research.” Part of the Gaylord College Brown Bag Series for Research & Creative Activity. Presented to faculty and graduate students. Sept. 29, 2003. Gaylord College, Norman, OK.
- Developed one-day professional magazine writing and design workshop for Montana Electric Cooperatives Association. August 31, 2021. Great Falls, Montana.
- Multiple presentations for Oklahoma Scholastic Media Initiative yearly, 2013 – 2021, include “Writing Refresher and Profile Writing,” “Graphics for the Web and InDesign Basics,” and “Media Law for Scholastic Publications.” Hosted at Gaylord College, Norman, OK.
- Workshop presentations for Oklahoma Institute for Diversity in Journalism yearly, 2014-2021, include “Interviewing, part 1,” “Writing the Profile,” “Story Structure” and “Infographics to enhance your stories.” Hosted at Gaylord College, Norman, OK.
- “Assessing Service Learning in Journalism and Communication
- Courses.” 2018 Assessment Forum. Sept. 21, 2018. University of Oklahoma. Norman, OK.
- Developed two-day magazine writing and design workshop for Montana Electric Cooperatives Association. March 27-28, 2018. Great Falls, Montana.
- “Digital Publication from Scratch? No Problem!” iPadPaloozaOU 2017. University of Oklahoma. Aug. 25, 2017. Norman, OK.
- “Service Learning. . . What’s That?” Northwestern Oklahoma State University Assessment Day 2009. Student session presentation. April 1, 2009. Alva, OK
- Panelist. “Democracy Now: The Media’s Role in Campaigns.” Part of the Democracy Now, a 7-week panel presentation series by Northwestern Oklahoma State University’s Social Science Department. September 2008. Alva, OK
- “Writing Across the Curriculum: A Realistic Approach.” Northwestern Oklahoma University Assessment Day 2007. Faculty session presentation. April 11, 2007. Alva, OK
- “Personality Profile—Discovering the ‘Unique Whatness.’” Oklahoma City Community College, Spring Writing Symposium 2005: Points of Contact, April 8, 2005. Oklahoma City, OK
- Developed and taught one-day sessions in newspaper writing and design for elementary and junior high students as part of “Project HOPE,” a grant-sponsored program which brings in underprivileged children to experience college majors at Northwestern Oklahoma State University. 2006, 2008 & 2010
- “Grammar Goofs and Practical Proofs.” Oklahoma Interscholastic Press Association bi-annual conference. University of Oklahoma. October 27, 2003
- Taught sessions bi-annually in journalism writing and layout/design for Pre-Collegiate Affairs Gifted and Talented Junior High Program. University of Oklahoma. October 2003 to October 2009